1. Identifying Outstanding Problems

The first step in the process is identifying any immediate issues or challenges. This is the point where we uncover any ongoing performance issues or downtime triggers. This step is entirely focused around the client's needs or encountered problems. We may take a cursory look at the infrastructure, but we like to keep the client's primary complaints a top priority. These specific problems are given high priority in our Action Plan.

2. Analyzing the Current Environment

This is where we bring in equipment and start surveying the infrastructure. We set up various pieces of technology to properly map out the environment and gain a high level overview of the layout. This is the stage where workstations and servers are located and identified. We document every piece of technology and build profiles around each of the discovered assets. Problems encountered in this stage are also rolled into a prioritized list of issues for the Action Plan.

3. Developing an Action Plan

From the information gathered from steps 1 and 2, we develop an Action Plan. This is the plan to resolve current client initial requests, and discovered issues. We'll propose process and procedure changes, new policies, and additional information that can be adopted by the client. Once approved, it becomes our working document for stage 5.

4. Onboarding

Our software is deployed across the entire network, and this is where performance and security data starts the collection and transport process. We set up and configure our remote access (For remote support whenever it is required). Antivirus and backup software gets installed, if the client opts for those services. We also register the new client with our ticketing system and provide training on how to submit tickets and reach out for support. 

5. Implementation of Action Plan

We start progress on the Action Plan. The highest priority items are tackled first. The Action Plan can be a short-term or a long-term plan, depending on the severity of issues discovered, but generally a good chunk of these are resolved immediately after onboarding. Any larger issues are issued milestones and they become projects that are tracked over time. If new hardware is required, this is the point where we deliver the needed hardware and get everything set up. 

6. Establishing a Technology Roadmap

This is where we look out over a longer time frame. This is where we coordinate with out client to define future technology goals and requirements. Training, new systems, server installations, and other goals are set. This roadmap also provides follow-up reports at set dates to follow up on milestones. Any larger projects that have overflowed from the Action Plan may be added to the roadmap if they are of substantial size.

7. Continual Monitoring and Support

This is the stage where we transition into more of a project, support, and preemptive support posture. This is the ongoing day-to-day support operations. We receive real time notifications from your infrastructure, and we continually monitor and maintain those assets. From here we send off reports at a regular timeframe to our Point(s) of Contact and focus on tackling tickets that get submitted. When we aren't working on tickets, we're working on the systems in the background, making sure they're functioning properly and ensuring a smooth and high quality experience for you and your end-users.